Directory of Fellows

Fellows of the IEP are respected as people of standing and influence both within and beyond the sector.

That does not necessarily mean that they are all in senior positions. Fellows are appointed across the full spectrum of employability and those using the designation FIEP will have demonstrated that they meet the stringent criteria.

All current IEP Fellows can be found in this directory. Just select a name from the list below to view a profile.

IEP welcomes applications for Fellowship. 

Area of Expertises

Life Fellows

We honour and remember our Fellows whose support and dedication to the IEP have left a lasting legacy. Though they are no longer with us, their contributions continue to inspire and guide our mission. Their passion and commitment will always be cherished and celebrated within our community.

Alan Cave FIEP
Janette Faherty OBE FIEP
Paul Hughes FIEP
Grant Neems FIEP