The Institute of Employability Professionals (IEP) is first and foremost a membership organisation. Its Members and Fellows can participate in a number of ways but it’s especially important to get involved in deciding who runs the IEP on a day-to-day basis and who sets its strategy. As you will probably know that’s the IEP Board. You can read more about the make-up of the current Board here.
Every year a number of Directors complete their term of office and stand down and you have the chance to stand for election as a Board Member; and to vote in the election yourself.
This year there are going to be three (3) vacancies on the Board so we want a good number of candidates to come forward and we really want those candidates to come from a wide range of backgrounds; you must be an IEP Member, Associate, Member Ambassador or Fellow to stand for election. We would particularly welcome candidates from frontline delivery and frontline management roles and from a whole range of organisations to stand for election. If you are not a current member of the IEP you can upgrade your membership here
Click here for a full information pack and an explanation of what being a Board Member entails.
If you want to stand, here’s how the process works:

1. Complete the application form here to confirm that you wish to stand for election and to inform us of how your skills or experience would contribute to the Board’s work. Your completed application must be submitted to enquiries@iemployability.org by midday on Friday 27 September 2024;
2. During the second week of October we will put all received candidate’s statements together in a pack with a link to a voting form and send them out electronically to all Members, Associates, Member Ambassadors and Fellows of the IEP. All votes must be completed by midday on Friday 25 October 2024. Any votes cast after this time will not be counted.
3. Representatives of the IEP Board and IEP Executive Team count the votes during the first week of November and notify successful and unsuccessful candidates, in confidence before the AGM on 28 November 2024.
4. The new Directors will be formally announced at the IEP AGM on 28 November, and in Employability Professional (EP) shortly after.
So, it’s not a difficult or painful process to stand for election. No speeches are required! and being on the Board is a great development experience. It’s a really good way of helping steer the IEP and getting involved in some fascinating projects and activities. If you do decide to stand good luck, but above all, whether or not you stand do please vote it’s your Board and your IEP.
Kind regards,
Scott Parkin FIEP
Group Chief Executive