The employability sector is a great place to work, and we’re pleased to bring these inspirational stories to our members and the wider sector to shout about the great work employability professionals do day in and day out. This collection of inspiring stories charts employability professionals’ remarkable achievements and learning journeys since the inception of the IEP in 2012.
Here is an inspiring Yearbook entry from…

Idris Dean MIEP | Fair Work Officer, Employability & Skills Service, Dumfries & Galloway Council
What were you doing 12 years ago?
I had recently relocated from Yorkshire to Scotland leaving a counselling role in palliative care. I took up a role in Social Work Services developing and promoting a personalisation approach in preparation for the new Scottish Self-Directed Support bill.
What are you doing now?
As FWO for the last couple of years, I have been responsible for promoting the Scottish Government Fair Work First agenda, particularly with employers; overseeing our Employer Recruitment Incentive scheme; and the council’s response to the local PACE partnership – a Scottish Government initiative to support individuals involved in redundancy situations. Prior to this role, I joined the ESS in April 2013 as an Employability Link Worker (ELW) providing employability support to individuals. In 2017 I became a Team Officer managing a number of ELWs and helping to develop the ESS.
What have you learned along the way?
I have become much more aware of the barriers to gaining employment that many people face and also the wide range of support services available to people. I firmly believe that support services should be person-centred to have the most effective impact. In a constantly changing employability support landscape, it has become obvious that it is essential, for agencies providing employability support, to work closely in partnership.