In an industry shaped by constant change, CogniSoft has not just survived but thrived, marking 40 years as a leading provider of software for apprenticeship and employability programmes.

With a legacy of supporting Independent Training Providers, Employability Providers and nearly 50% of Local Authorities across England outside of London, CogniSofts’ journey reflects the resilience and innovation required to adapt in the Employment and Skills sector. This milestone celebrates decades of enabling organisations to deliver positive outcomes for their clients and learners.

Achievements over the years

Founded in 1984 by Robin Lord, CogniSoft began writing project management software, but in 1987 quickly found a niche writing a system for a new programme called the Job Training Scheme (JTS), with a mission to simplify processes for Training Providers. Starting as they meant to go on, they went on to provide systems for the Employment Training Scheme and Youth Training Scheme in the late 80s and then dealt with the shift in funding from the Manpower Services Commission (MSC) to Training and Enterprise Councils in 1990 marking the start of the early Modern Apprenticeship.

Over the years, the company has embraced changes in government policies, funding models and technological advancements. Outlasting 10 Secretaries of State for Education Ministers under the Conservative Government in the last 13 years alone.

CogniSoft has supported over 500 organisations across the Employability and Skills sectors, helping organisations align with complex and ever changing funding and compliance regulations. CogniSoft currently have over 3 million client and learner records across their customer databases, demonstrating just how many people their customers have helped over the years.

Key milestones include:

Navigating four decades of policy and funding changes:

From the abolition of Manpower Services Commission through the creation and then abolition TECs and Learning and Skills Council to the formation of the ESFA in 2017, CogniSoft has adapted to every shift in funding and policy within learning and skills.

In employability, the company has supported organisations through landmark initiatives, from Labour’s New Deal in 1998 to the Conservative Work Programmes and the recent movement to devolved funding of the Mayoral Combined Authorities and Local Authority Clusters.

As Careers Services evolved, CogniSoft transitioned from working with Connexions to supporting Local Authorities NEET tracking.

Looking to the next decade of change

Emma, the daughter of the founder Robin Lord and now Managing Director, attributes the company’s success to its ability to quickly respond to government changes while remaining grounded in its core values.

“Forty years in this industry is a tremendous milestone and a real testament to the strength of our team,” says Emma. “The Employability and Skills landscape is ever changing, our success has always been about understanding our customers’ needs and developing software that helps them stay compliant, but is easy to use. Above all, we want to make a positive difference in employability and skills.”

With plans to continue to invest in their case management software and a commitment to supporting the digital transformation of its users, CogniSoft is positioned to meet the challenges of the next decade. Its mission remains clear: to continue delivering adaptable, effective solutions for their customers.

To learn more about CogniSofts history, achievements, and plans for the future, visit

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