Wednesday, 11 September 2024 | 12 – 1pm
Register: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUqd-6rqT8tHN2f2ZTyiSgW-AFVFfBlLbcp#/registration
Did you know that statistics indicate that 25% of Personal Independence Payment (PIP) decisions are left unchallenged due to the stressful nature of the process?
Join us for an insightful LiveLearnLunch webinar that dives into the crucial aspects of contesting welfare benefits. Christopher Errington, Social Welfare Trainer at Society Matters CIC will take you through the eligibility requirements and key deadlines you need to know. Discover which benefits can be challenged, with a special focus on the most frequently disputed ones, including Personal Independence Payment (PIP) and Universal Credit.
You’ll also gain practical knowledge on the essential steps involved in challenging a welfare benefit decision, such as navigating mandatory reconsiderations, supersessions, and appeals.
“This webinar is designed to help empower those looking to challenge an unfair decision for themselves and others,” said Christopher.
“We will let you know about all the benefits that can be challenged. We are unable to go into a lot of detail on all of those benefits due to limited time, however we will give a deeper focus on those benefits which are more commonly challenged; Personal Independence Payments and Universal Credit and of course, we do run CPD accredited courses which are priced with social value in mind. Check out our website for more details at www.societymatterscic.com.
“Before the Election, welfare benefit reforms were very high on the news agenda. In particular PIP was being looked at and the work capability element of Universal Credit. Should these changes come into effect under our new government, it is thought that it may contribute to a rise in those losing benefits and perhaps a need for claimants to challenge those decisions further. Our webinar will provide you with the tools you will need to challenge these decisions.”
Don’t miss this empowering opportunity! Register for Christopher’s Challenging Decisions webinar for free here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUqd-6rqT8tHN2f2ZTyiSgW-AFVFfBlLbcp#/registration
Christopher will also be hosting another LiveLearnLunch on self-employment on 6 November.
“Entering the world of self-employment can be very daunting, and not many are aware of the support that is available,” he said. “Statistics show that around 20% of small businesses fail within the first year, and 50% after 5 years. Whether you are looking to set up your own business or you are an employability or career development expert assisting individuals in exploring their prospects, this webinar will guide you towards the support that is available.”
Register to Christopher’s Self-Employment webinar here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwtfuioqDkqEtHOPszdY3hUfimjCiWIO7gM
Christopher has worked for Society Matters for over 5 years. During this time he spent three years as a full-time advisor, helping clients with issues ranging from consumer law, energy supplier disputes, welfare benefits, housing, immigration, employment, and everything in between. He has been a trainer for over 2 years, where he brings his valuable experiences and real life case studies to the courses he delivers. He keeps his knowledge fresh by spending as much time as possible helping the front line when not training.
Society Matters are a trading subsidiary of Citizens Advice Gateshead. They mobilise knowledge, delivering tangible social value to achieve a fair society for all, with lives well lived. They specialise in social welfare training, social action projects, and tailor-made solutions through the team Christopher is part of.
“Personally, I feel very proud to work for an organisation that adds such great social value to society,” Christopher said. “Through the work that we carry out, I feel it enables individuals and communities to empower themselves and others to make a powerful difference.”