The Quality Professional Awards (QPA) 2024 takes place this Wednesday 26 June, of which the IEP are headline sponsors, where professionals from employability and education will come together to show our recognition and appreciation for quality professionals who work diligently behind the scenes.

These awards are for the people who are the driving force behind the constant pursuit of excellence, setting high standards, and tirelessly seeking ways to improve outcomes in the Further Education and Employability professions to help make a positive impact on people’s lives.

Our vision at the IEP is ‘Employability professionals everywhere are the best they can be’ and quality improvement and the creation of an ecosystem for service excellence is at the heart of what we do.

Our vision and purpose aligns perfectly with the ethos of these important awards. As such, our commitment runs deep, as we understand the pivotal role these individuals play in shaping the future of employability and education. We are delighted to sponsor the Awards and help shine a spotlight on the importance of quality and continuous improvement and celebrate the achievements and passion of those professionals who are at the forefront of driving forward our mission.

Because we see this as critical to quality service delivery, the IEP spent two years building the IEP Quality Improvement Framework (QIF) alongside our development colleagues at Mesma, The Good Employability Company and leading employability providers and DWP. You can find out more about this groundbreaking initiative here.

IEP Group CEO Scott Parkin FIEP features as a QPA judge on a panel of leaders and experts across the FE and employability sectors.

Check out Scott’s message ahead of the Quality Professional Awards on Wednesday:

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