We at IEP Australia had a fantastic time at this year’s NESA conference in Brisbane, catching up with partners and fellows from around the country.
It was hugely pleasing to see one of our corporate partners, Asuria, win two of the major awards presented at the event, including Achiever of the Year for Mykola Belo and Employer Engagement Practitioner of the Year to Esther Garforth.
The highlight for most attendees was the presentation by Dr Darren Coppin, CEO at Azurum, and Prof. Jo Ingold, from ACU and IEP Fellow (pictured above with Scott Cummings, former AFL footballer and media personality and Scott Parkin FIEP, IEP Group CEO), regarding the latest in behavioural insights for employment services. It was fascinating to see some of those behavioural insights being applied in the lecture hall to great effect.
On the final day, Murray Watt, Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations, made a presentation. The Minister’s speech covered three of the four policy pillars NESA has been advocating for as part of its 2025 federal election advocacy campaign: fair go funding; reducing red tape; and good government stewardship.
The IEP had excellent representation in the way of fellows from various organisations, totalling 21 in attendance, and five more possible future fellows.
Our Global CEO, Scott Parkin FIEP, was in attendance for the conference. We used the opportunity to bring together several fellows and sector leaders at a casual dinner in King George Square, an engaging evening full of in-depth discussions on the state of the sector.
There was also discussion about the Community Development Program, which is coming to an end and will be replaced by the new Remote Employment Service, so another tender is around the corner for our providers!
It was a great event and a lovely way to wrap up 2024.