We are delighted to introduce Sharon Marshall FIEP, Employment Strategy Manager at Step-Up Wakefield Council, who has recently joined the IEP Fellowship.

Speaking on her career and Fellowship, Sharon said:

“I have been lucky to have a varied career in the Employability and Skills Sector. I would like to say that it has been well planned, but in truth, I’ve just followed interesting opportunities, done my best to make a difference and moved on when I’ve seen a way to make a better, bigger or different type of difference. As a result, I’ve worked with individual jobseekers and learners to apply for work in the EU and as a Disability Employment Adviser. I’ve commissioned and contract-monitored programmes at local and national levels, having the privilege to work directly with Ministers and a fantastic group of development partners, many of whom are also Fellows of the IEP, on employment zones and actions teams, managed programmes from private and third sector positions, developed an award-winning social enterprise and most recently have developed the Step-Up programme for Wakefield Council from a pilot to a district-wide programme which delivers a social return on investment of £7.38 per £1 invested.

“For me becoming a Fellow of the IEP gives me the opportunity to support others across the network, not least those in other local authorities who will be grappling with the challenges of devolution right now, and to learn more about the challenges and innovations that others are bringing to the industry. If that means I can help to influence new policies coming from Central Government too, then bring it on.

“My career might have been an accidental success, but it would be great to support the development of the profession, so people see employment support as a career opportunity to pursue, rather than one to ‘fall into until something better comes along’.

“We all know there is nothing better than helping someone to achieve their potential, to see them financially independent of the state, and living much longer, healthier lives as a result.”

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