Spread your passion for the employability sector this Valentine’s Day by publishing your story in the IEP Yearbook!
Whether you’ve contributed to our Yearbook before or are considering sharing your story for the first time, we’d love for you to get involved this year. And if you can, please encourage your team members and colleagues to participate, showcasing the important work they do and how they’ve grown over the past ten years.

“Sharing stories of good practice in the employability sector is crucial because it enables us to learn from successful strategies, creating a ripple effect of positive change across the sector, and across Australian society,” says Lauren Peacock FIEP, IEP Australia Learning and Development Business Partner. “By sharing personal and meaningful stories of success, we create a groundswell of best practice, inspiring one another, enhancing outcomes, and ultimately helping more Australians find and keep work.”
But time is running out – you will need to complete this form by 9am Tuesday 11 February (GMT) to ensure publication. Don’t worry if you’re strapped for time, writing your Yearbook story can take only a few minutes to complete!
A heartfelt tribute to employability professionals everywhere making a difference, we’ve published the IEP Yearbook over the past 3 years to showcase the experiences and insights of employability professionals across the globe, capturing their learning journeys over the last decade. Each Yearbook story serves as a testament to the passion, dedication and impact that define our community.
The employability sector is a dynamic and rewarding field, where professionals like you make a real difference – not only in the lives of the people you serve every day but also within the community of dedicated staff who support them.

Sharing your journey highlights the impact of our sector and helps others see the value of the remarkable work you do.
Join us in inspiring others and celebrating your achievements as part of the IEP’s legacy and the history of the employability sector.