By David Imber FIEP, Head of the Centre for Employability Excellence
A practical and informative (both ways, we hope!) meeting has taken place with the Swedish IEP members and partners who are beginning their trials of the Quality Improvement Framework or ‘QIF’. They have now received the Swedish-language versions and will shortly access the Mesma software. This was the first of the monthly support meetings to take place over the coming year. Questions mainly concerned how to implement the QIF, and we were able to emphasise that it is designed to be used with existing quality systems, with minimal additional administration, if any.
We also recognised that it takes time to adopt the QIF into existing services and systems: no-one is expecting an overnight change, rather a gradual process of discovery and development as the behavioural standards of the QIF influence – or confirm – the provision of quality services. And, importantly, we confirmed the confidentiality of information throughout these trials: the QIF is designed to encourage reflection and self-analysis and has no critical or compliance purpose. All in all, a good discussion, with more to follow and learning all round.
If you’d like to know more about the project, the QIF or the IEP Centre for Employability Excellence please contact Annette.holmblad@iemployability.org