Last Friday, Manpower Matching celebrated its 10 year anniversary.
We interviewed Lena Molin FIEP, the founder:

So Lena how did it all begin?
After Easter 2014, I was asked to start up and test the support and matching (STOM) request document that had just been released from the Swedish Employment Service.
On the first of December 2014, the business STOM was launched nationally and on December 15 the first decision came to Manpower and two weeks later the first candidate entered the program.
After three months, we had received 1,000 candidates into the program.
In 2015, Manpower Matching was started and we separated our operations from Manpower AB In 2016, Manpower Matching won the Business of the Year within the Manpower Group in Sweden.
Over the years, the company has grown and had to adapt its suite to the market, but today we are in about 40 locations and several offices in some locations. During these 10 years, over 38,000 candidates have passed through our operations, and over 16,300 have received help for new work or studies, which corresponds to approx. 43% in results.
What have been your most important success factors?
Our own individually adapted program for the candidates as well as our system support mainly TalentLMS and Workbuster and last but not least, fantastic and committed staff who always do the little extra that makes a difference in the labor market.
What has been the most fun and made the biggest impression on you during these 10 years?
That we have been given the opportunity to do great social good and all the fantastic people, both employees and candidates we have met over the years. Winning this year’s deal was a milestone and a confirmation of the good work we have done and continue to do.
How do you see the next ten years?
Manpower Matching needs to continue to be and also increase its flexibility in the market as it is continuously fluctuating and changing, and I think it will be one of several success factors for companies in this industry in the coming years.
And of course a leading player in the market for jobseekers and the obvious choice.