Formed in 2016 by Yorkshire’s Young Entrepreneur of the year, Jacob Hill, Offploy is on a mission to support people with criminal convictions into meaningful, mentored and sustainable employment. This helps the UK fill its chronic skills shortage, reduces reoffending and makes society safer.
Offploy are not just about dropping someone with a criminal conviction at an employer’s doorstep and wishing them the best of luck. Offploy works with candidates through a nine-step candidate journey to ensure they have the best chances of securing and sustaining employment.
Three of their stages are around education and their team of trained social employment advisors will deliver and refer candidates to courses specific to their developmental needs and their employer’s requirements.
Offploy delivers a range of courses centred around motivation and employability as well as employer-specific courses from CSCS card certification to business administration and customer service.
Delivering social services, placing people into work and reporting on the impact of the work Offploy do is a trusted and privileged position, and whilst the sector is unregulated, they still believe we should hold ourselves to a high standard.
Jacob Hill said: “During my time in prison and beyond my release, it was employability professionals, work coaches and careers advisors that gave me the self-belief and confidence to go on to start Offploy, a specialist mentoring organisation.
“Since forming 8 years ago, we have supported over 4000 people with convictions who have all been referred to us with the help and support of employability professionals, like members of the IEP, working from other agencies. It is with thanks to people like those that give people with a criminal past hope of a brighter future.
“We’re overjoyed to become part of the IEP to widen our impact and learn from other specialists in the sector.”